Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Engineering Physics Lab. The Engineering Physics Laboratory Engineering Physics Laboratory is one of the major laboratories of the department. It enables the budding engineers to practically understand the fundamentals of the theory through a vast range of experiments. Experiments are conducted in the laboratory with the aim of making the budding engineers effectively use mathematical, scientific, and modern engineering tools in the practice of their professions.The laboratory is equipped with latest instruments and peripherals are made freely available to the students. Apart from the basic experiments, Engineering Physics Lab has separate Dark room for performing Holography and other laser optics related experiments. Major equipments like He-Ne Laser, Michelson Interferometer and spectrometer are some of the main features of the lab. Sophisticated equipments to measure resistively of semiconductor using Four-Probe method, optical fibre kit to measure characteristics of optical fibre and electric vibrator to measure the frequency of AC mains are also available. The basic focus in the Engineering Physics Laboratory is to develop scientific temper and encourage students to innovate in diverse technical areas for better understanding of technical and engineering problems

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List of Equipments in Physics Lab
S. No.
Stewart & Gee’s apparatus with (Reverse Key, Rheostat, Ammeter, Battery eliminator)
Dielectric constant exp with (Parallel plate capacitor, mica dielectric, micrometer)
Laser beam set up with (He_Ne Laser, Semi conductor Laser, optical bench with uprights, Diffraction grating, Young double slit)
Michelson interferometer with
(a screen magnifier)
Magnetic Susceptibility set-up with (Digital gauss meter, electromagnets power supply, Fecl3 powder, Hall probe & U-Tube, Traveling microscope
Electric vibrator set-up with (Fractional weight-box, pan, Pully), meter tape

Optical fibre trainer board, Optical fibre cable, CRO, Cylindrical solid, connecting wires, multimeter, screw driver, iron soldering 


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